A Natural Solution For Shoulder Pain

A Natural Solution For Shoulder Pain Is Only A Block Away Get the e-book here The root of my shoulder pain can be found in my youth.  I was a highland dancer and volleyball player. In volleyball, I was a power hitter, which meant I put my shoulder through a specific range of motion repeatedly,…

The Health Crisis of the Youth

The last 15 years has been a journey of self-discovery. At the age of 30, I was thrown into an anxiety attack so bad, I thought I was going to die. I was paralyzed with fear and didn’t think I could breathe. But there was something more in store for me. In that moment of…

Block Therapy Now Available in Winnipeg Stores!

We are very excited to announce that the Block Therapy starter package consisting of the Block Buddy and the Block Therapy Intro Video Series is now available in select Winnipeg stores! Winnipeg Retailers selling the Block Therapy Starter Package You can find the Block Therapy Starter Package (Block Buddy & DVD) in these select Winnipeg…

I Have Become A Student of Jack Canfield

I took the plunge and became a student of the Jack Canfield Coaching program. Jack Canfield co-authored “Chicken Soup for the Soul” and is helping countless people recognize their dream. I started this journey in September and am so incredibly grateful as I have identified many areas in my life that need attention. In a few short…

Sciatic Pain Relief and Block Therapy

Many people are searching for Sciatic pain relief. Today, I’m going to explain the Sciatic nerve and how Block Therapy can benefit those suffering from Sciatic nerve pain. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body. The nerve signals originate in the lower back, travel down through the buttocks and run all…

What is Rooting and Why Is It Important?

I often talk about rooting during Block Therapy classes. The reason is because if we want to build a structure that can withstand years of forces acting upon it, building a strong foundation is the most important step; everything up the chain depends on it in order to be safe and sound. The lower body, including…

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