50% Off Virtual Intensives Nov 12-14th

Fascia and Aging

I have a mind that sees patterns. This has served me in many ways, although when it comes to sharing details, I am not the person to quote as I don’t retain them. When listening to stories, I get the gist of the conversation, but that’s about as far as it goes. I appreciate this…

Fascia and Pain

Like a baby crying, pain is the cell letting you know it needs attention. It is interesting how we have been indoctrinated into beliefs that don’t serve our highest good. Pain is a great example as we have been conditioned into viewing this signal from the body as something to mask, cover up and avoid. Obviously,…

Caring Without Carrying

There are so many big-hearted people in my life that I see taking on other people’s burdens. I can spot them easily because I used to be one of them — the person that absorbs the problems of another. I did this in the treatment room both physically and energetically when working on bodies, as…

Animal Transformations

Doing the work was a magical experience. As I had minimized any contact with animals over the years, I simply loved them from a distance. I would see how much my sister loved her dogs as her children and could appreciate it intellectually but hadn’t had the first-hand experience of the depth of pureness that…

Making a Connection

I began teaching this to several therapists which really helped to create the language around it. Especially when you have been taught to view the body in a specific way and learn to approach tissue from that perspective, to see it differently can initially be a stretch. I don’t differentiate between the different parts of…

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