Creating A Whole New You

When you begin to dive into the fascia, the first thing you will likely encounter is disruption. This is the point — to release the patterns that you have fallen into and create a body with space and intention. This comes with the release of pain and fear, and this will be felt as it…

Deep Appreciation

Thank you to my Co-Host, Dr. Eric Robins, all our amazing speakers and the Block Therapy Team!I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their amazing contribution to the Block Therapy Trauma Relief Summit. Firstly, I want to send a huge thank you to Dr. Eric Robins. When the idea came up for…

Turn Your Wounds into Wisdom

Have you ever noticed that those crushing moments from the past became fuel for an idea, or that doors closed, and hardships felt, created a connection with someone that is now a huge part of your life? For me personally, I can say that many of those painful moments and memories have been instrumental in…

Gratitude is the Attitude

On September 20 and 21, we are launching our Block Therapy Trauma Summit. I feel so fortunate to be doing this as I am learning so much from all our amazing speakers. Every discussion brings a deeper understanding of how life can impact the mind and body, and how we can let go of past…

How to Melt Bunions

A bunion is a bony bump that occurs at the joint of the big toe. It occurs when proper mechanics aren’t practiced, most notably when the ankle is collapsed (pronated), and the foot moves into external rotation (toes positioned away from midline, like a duck). This causes the tip of your big toe to get…

Tongue Placement

Since the beginning of this journey, I have been discussing proper alignment of the tongue. It wasn’t something I read but happened upon one day when on vacation. I was renting a cabin for a much needed 2-week holiday. At the time I was seeing 8-10 patients/day, working long hours bent over a massage table.…

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