What is Block Therapy? – The Practice

As discussed in the two previous blogs, Block Therapy addresses the adhesions and frozen tissue in the fascia system.  Diaphragmatic breathing and the diaphragm are the furnace that warm the core. The combination of the Block and diaphragmatic breath, melts through adhesions and restrictions, bringing our cells, and our bodies, back into alignment. You will…

New Year Message for 2020

Reflecting back on this journey, I feel blessed to be a part of a community that is so strong and supportive. This process began for me at the turn of the century, and 20 years later, we have over 120 teachers and tens of thousands of people receiving the benefits of this practice. This is…

Deanna on the Revealing Healing Podcast

Earlier this month, Deanna was a guest on the amazing podcast Revealing Healing with Ryan ​West! You’ll hear how Fluid Isometrics and Block Therapy was founded by Deanna, her own personal health struggles, and how you can heal yourself using the fascia system and a Block Buddy. Click the image of Deanna and Ryan to…

Block Therapy and High Blood Pressure

There are many things that can make your heart race, but when talking about chronic high blood pressure, there are also some truths that this issue has in common with everyone. In the book – The Case Against Sugar by Gary Taubes, he shares how evidence is suggesting that sugar can be the underlying cause…

Here’s to an Amazing 2019!

I love the end of year. It gives you the opportunity to look back and see if relationships were honored, if progress and growth matched expectations, and to see if steps forward were taken on your own evolution. I have to say that I am most excited about the Block Therapy Community. For years I…

Block Therapy and Fatty Liver Disease

NAFLD – Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is one of the fastest growing concerns among North Americans. It has increased dramatically over the past 30 years. Some reasons for this are that we often eat for convenience rather than health, our portions size has dramatically increased and we have become more sedentary. But there is…

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