How Do You Talk to Your Cells?

Many people may not realize that whatever thoughts are going through your mind are being heard by your cells. If you knew that self-limiting thoughts and conversations you have about yourself have an impact on your health and outward expression, you may be inclined to change the dialogue.

In Greg Braden’s book, Walking Between the Worlds, The Science of Compassion, he shares the difference between the frequency of love and fear.

As you can see, the frequency of love is high and matches the frequency of the DNA. Sending loving thoughts through your mind, whether about yourself or someone/something else, turns on the codons in the DNA to keep the body healthy. When you send negative/fearful thoughts through your mind, you are lowering your vibration, shutting off some of the codons and lowering your vibration. This affects the health of the cells, including their outward expression.
This is also seen in Masura Emoto’s water experiment where he exposed water in a glass to different words, pictures and music and froze it to examine the crystalline structure. The positive expressions resulted in beautiful and symmetrical molecular configurations, whereas the negative expressions resulted in the opposite. Understanding this and applying it to your cells will have an impact on not only your physical health, but also how you look.
This can feel like a stretch -- that what you think determines your outward appearance, however, how we look is an expression of all cells in your body and how they individually express themselves. You have likely heard the saying – What you Think, You Become. If you think that your body is ugly, that is what your cells will be expressing.
I personally experienced this in my younger years when I hated my belly. Most of my negative self-talk was about this area of my body and how I wished it to be different than it was. It was congested, bloated, dense, stuck and full of waste – anything but attractive. I even used to believe that if I had the belly I longed for, that I would never feel stress as this is what dominated my thoughts. Then I read the Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield and it all made sense.
In his book he talks about energy. This was the first time I heard that what you think you become, and I realized that I was causing my situation by my beliefs about my body; how I wasn’t sensual or attractive. I held this mindset for so long and then realized that my cells were simply responding to the messages I was giving them. This was a turning point for me.
I did an exercise that wasn’t fun at first, but later became a blessing. I stood in front of the mirror naked and told myself I was beautiful. I blushed the first few times because I was lying to myself, but I continued to do this exercise and it wasn’t long before I saw something different. That in turn began to change my appearance, along with other changes I made, and I became empowered to develop the tools I needed to change my patterns of thoughts.
Whether you are beating up yourself, others around you or the world at large, negative thinking influences your cells. They are the reflection of the energy you create. Knowing this makes changing your thought process to one of positive thinking a worthwhile adventure. Not only will you be positively impacting those around you, but your cells will feel the love and vibration that is needed for them to look and feel their best. Your cells are mini versions of the whole of your being. So, if you want to live the best life possible, you must treat them with love and compassion.
Whether you are beating up yourself, others around you or the world at large, negative thinking influences your cells. They are the reflection of the energy you create. Knowing this makes changing your thought process to one of positive thinking a worthwhile adventure. Not only will you be positively impacting those around you, but your cells will feel the love and vibration that is needed for them to look and feel their best.
Deanna Hansen - Founder
Changing your mindset is a great first step. Become aware of your thoughts, and if you find them to be negative, take a moment, shift to the positive, feel the change inside that happens, and make this your habit.
Breathe & Believe,
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